Up, Up and Away!

Wednesday, 10/28/09, 09:08 AM
St. Mary's Hospital, Decatur, IL

We've been at the hospital for over 24 hours now.  Mom and Dad brought the kids up to visit after school yesterday.  Their visit and non-stop Law & Order: SVU on USA got us through the evening.  But the real sanity-saver has been the free wireless internet.  I grabbed both of our laptops yesterday morning when I went home to shower and change.  I believe this feature is way more important than a private room.

I realize that you might be thinking to yourself, "Jim has some really colorful pants in the proceeding photo."  You're correct.  These are his superhero pants.  It seemed fitting to wear them at the hospital.  Here's a close-up.  These are nice cotton-knit pants with an elastic waist.  But his all-time favorite pajama pants are red fleece with cowboys on them.  Sadly, the cowboy pants are still in Champaign.  I need to go to Champaign today to do more packing and cleaning.  We have to be out of Baytowne by Saturday.  Maybe Dad can watch Jim and Sophie while I'm gone today.

Jim's feeling better today.  His eye is very swollen and he still has the giant knot on his forehead.  But his blood pressure is back to normal and his cough has been much less severe.  The prescription cough meds are clearly helping.  We just took a walk around the 4th floor.  No dizziness!  We're getting sprung today!!!  (Insert Snoopy Dance here)

You can read Jim's first-hand account here: http://justkidneying.blogspot.com/2009/10/my-halloween-horror.html


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